Penelitian mengenai binge eating belum banyak dilakukan di Indonesia. Binge eating adalah perilaku makan berlebihan yang merupakan salah satu mental disorder utama pada remaja, khususnya pada remaja yang berusia 15–19 tahun. Tujuan: Melihat hubungan strategi regulasi emosi dan pola asuh orang tua dengan perilaku binge eating pada remaja usia 15–19 tahun di DKI Jakarta. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif jenis observasional analitik dengan desain penelitian cross sectional dan menggunakan uji statistik nonparametrik, yaitu uji chi-square. Sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 388 remaja yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan didapatkan melalui teknik probability sampling jenis cluster sampling. Sesuai dengan variabel-variabel yang ada, instrumen yang digunakan ialah instrumen karakteristik responden, Binge Eating Scale (BES), Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ), dan Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ). Hasil: Ditemukan sebesar 11% dari 388 remaja memiliki perilaku severe binge eating. Menggunakan uji chi-square, penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara strategi regulasi emosi dan perilaku binge eating (p-value = 0,001; α = 0,05) serta antara pola asuh orang tua dan perilaku binge eating (p-value = 0,001; α = 0,05). Diskusi:Terbentuknya strategi regulasi emosi yang adaptif diimbangi dengan pola asuh orang tua yang otoritatif dapat mengembangkan perilaku makan yang sehat bagi anak. Kesimpulan: Disusun dan dilaksanakannya program pendidikan terkait cara meregulasi emosi yang adaptif bagi remaja dan edukasi yang tepat mengenai pola asuh yang sesuai dengan karakteristik remaja bagi orang tua dapat membantu mengurangi risiko perilaku binge eating.
Kata kunci: binge eating, pola asuh orang tua, regulasi emosi, remaja
Emotion Regulation Strategies and Parental Parenting Styles Underlying Binge Eating Behavior in Adolescents
Research on binge eating behavior remains scarce in Indonesia. Binge eating, a form of excessive eating behavior, represents a major mental disorder among adolescents, particularly those aged 15-19 years. Objective: To explore the correlation between emotion regulation strategies and parental parenting styles with binge eating behavior among adolescents aged 15-19 years in Jakarta Special Capital Region. Methods: This research employed a quantitative observational analytic design with a cross-sectional research design and utilized non-parametric statistical tests, namely the chi-square test. The sample comprised 388 adolescents who met the inclusion criteria and were obtained through cluster sampling probability sampling technique. Consistent with the variables involved, the instruments utilized included respondent characteristic instruments, Binge Eating Scale (BES), Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ), and Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ). Results: Findings revealed that 11% of the 388 adolescents exhibited severe binge eating behavior. Employing the chi-square test, the research demonstrated a significant correlation between emotion regulation strategies and binge eating behavior (p-value=0.001; α=0.05) as well as between parental parenting styles and binge eating behavior (p-value=0.001; α=0.05). Discussion: The formation of adaptive emotion regulation strategies coupled with authoritative parental parenting styles may foster healthy eating behavior among adolescents. Conclusion: Implementation of educational programs concerning adaptive emotion regulation strategies for adolescents and appropriate parenting education tailored to adolescent characteristics for parents may aid in reducing the risk of binge eating behavior.
Keywords: Binge eating, parental parenting styles, emotion regulation, adolescentsFull Text:
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