Etri Selpawani Fredy, Saldy Yusuf, Syahrul Syahrul



Pembentukan stoma berisiko menimbulkan komplikasi. Untuk itu, pasien perlu mendapatkan edukasi melalui discharge planning. Namun, saat ini pelaksanaannya belum optimal. Tujuan: Untuk mengidentifikasi variasi model edukasi discharge planning pada ostomate serta pengaruhnya terhadap kemampuan perawatan diri dan penyesuaian ostomate terhadap kondisinya. Metode: Systematic review ini menggunakan pedoman ceklis PRISMA dan pencarian artikel menggunakan database PubMed, ProQuest, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, dan EBSCO. Kata kunci yang digunakan ialah “Patient Education AND Stoma OR Ostomy OR Colostomy OR Ostomate AND Self-Care” dengan kriteria semua artikel tentang edukasi discharge planning, kemampuan perawatan dan penyesuaian diri ostomate (usia >18 tahun), studi randomized controlled trial (RCT) dan quasi-experiment. Strategi pencarian dengan penyaringan full text, artikel tahun 2017–2022, berbahasa Inggris. Kualitas artikel dinilai menggunakan Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP). Hasil: Enam artikel yang diidentifikasi secara umum menunjukkan bahwa discharge planning berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kemampuan perawatan diri pasien. Adapun variasi model edukasi discharge planning yang dapat digunakan ialah transtheoritical model (TTM), model NPET, model OMRE, edukasi dengan simulasi, model edukasi terstruktur, dan intervensi edukasi melalui prosedur FOCUS-PDCA. Diskusi: Intervensi edukasi dalam pelaksanaan discharge planning dapat diberikan secara langsung (face-to-face) ataupun melalui pemanfaatan telenursing, dan meskipun berbeda teknik maupun cara implentasinya namun semua model edukasi dari hasil tinjauan sistematik ini telah terbukti memberikan efek positif untuk ostomate. Kesimpulan: Discharge planning yang diimplementasikan secara terstruktur serta memperhatikan isi edukasi, bermafaat bagi peningkatkan kemampuan perawatan diri dan penyesuaian ostomate terhadap kondisinya.

Kata kunci: discharge planning, edukasi, ostomate, stoma


Educational Model for Implementing Discharge Planning in Patients with Stoma (Ostomate): A Systematic Review



Formation of a stoma poses risks of complications; hence, patients need education through discharge planning, yet its implementation is currently suboptimal. Objective: To identify variations in education models of discharge planning for ostomates and their impact on self-care ability and adjustment of ostomates to their condition. Methods: This Systematic Review followed PRISMA checklist guidelines, and article searches were conducted using PubMed, ProQuest, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, and EBSCO databases. Keywords used were "Patient Education AND Stoma OR Ostomy OR Colostomy OR Ostomate AND Self-Care" with criteria of all articles on discharge planning education, ostomate self-care ability, and adjustment (age >18 years), Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), and quasi-experiment studies. The search strategy included full-text screening, articles from 2017-2022, and English language. Article quality was assessed using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP). Results: Six identified articles generally influenced the improvement of patients' self-care abilities. Various models of discharge planning education identified were transtheoretical model (TTM), NPET model, OMRE model, education with simulation, structured education model, and FOCUS-PDCA procedure education intervention. Discussion: Education interventions in implementing discharge planning can be provided directly (face-to-face) or through tele-nursing, and although different in techniques and implementation methods, all education models from this systematic review have been proven to affect ostomates positively. Conclusion: Structured implementation of discharge planning considering education content is beneficial for improving self-care abilities and the adjustment of ostomates to their condition.

Keywords: discharge planning,education, ostomate,  stoma


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