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Tujuan penelitian: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas terapi mendengarkan
lantunan asmaul husna dan teknik relaksasi terhadap kadar gula darah pasien diabetes melitus (DM)
tipe 2. Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment dengan pendekatan
pretest-postest tanpa kelompok kontrol. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode nonprobability sampling melalui teknik accidental sampling sebanyak 25 pasien DM yang datang berobat
ke Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-Cuma Ciputat, Tangerang. Analisis data meliputi univariat dan bivariat
menggunakan uji statistik paired t test. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi penurunan kadar
gula darah, tetapi secara statistik tidak ada hubungan antara terapi mendengarkan lantunan asmaul
husna dan teknik relaksasi terhadap kadar gula darah pasien DM tipe 2 (p=0,27; α=0,05). Diskusi:
Pasien perlu mendapatkan asuhan keperawatan komprehensif meliputi aspek biopsikososial,
kultural, dan spiritual guna mengendalikan kadar gula darah pada pasien DM tipe 2. Simpulan:
Terapi lantunan asmaul husna dan teknik relaksasi menjadi pilihan yang tepat untuk menimbulkan
relaksasi sehingga dapat menurunkan tingkat cemas yang pada akhirnya dapat mengendalikan
kadar gula darah pasien.
Kata Kunci: kadar gula darah, asmaul husna, terapi relaksasi, pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2.
Objectives: This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of therapy by listening to chant of the Asma
ul Husna and relaxation techniques on blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
(DM). Methods: It was a quasi experiment with pretest-posttest approach without control group.
Samples were taken using non-probability sampling method through accidental sampling technique
numbering 25 DM patients who came to Free Health Services located at Ciputat, Tangerang. Data
were tested with univariate and bivariate analysis by using paired t test. Results: Blood glucose
level decreased, but statistically there was no correlation of therapy by listening to chant of Asma
ul Husna and relaxation techniques with blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 DM (p=0.27;
α=0.05). Discussion: Patients with type 2 DM needed to obtain a comprehensive nursing care,
including biopsychosocial, cultural and spiritual aspects in order to control their blood glucose levels.
Conclusion: Therapy by listening to chant of Asma ul Husna and relaxation techniques could be
the right choices to aid relaxation so as to reduce anxiety levels that could eventually control blood
glucose levels of the patients.
Keywords: blood glucose levels, Asma ul Husna, relaxation therapy, patients with type 2 diabetes
Tujuan penelitian: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas terapi mendengarkan
lantunan asmaul husna dan teknik relaksasi terhadap kadar gula darah pasien diabetes melitus (DM)
tipe 2. Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment dengan pendekatan
pretest-postest tanpa kelompok kontrol. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode nonprobability sampling melalui teknik accidental sampling sebanyak 25 pasien DM yang datang berobat
ke Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-Cuma Ciputat, Tangerang. Analisis data meliputi univariat dan bivariat
menggunakan uji statistik paired t test. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi penurunan kadar
gula darah, tetapi secara statistik tidak ada hubungan antara terapi mendengarkan lantunan asmaul
husna dan teknik relaksasi terhadap kadar gula darah pasien DM tipe 2 (p=0,27; α=0,05). Diskusi:
Pasien perlu mendapatkan asuhan keperawatan komprehensif meliputi aspek biopsikososial,
kultural, dan spiritual guna mengendalikan kadar gula darah pada pasien DM tipe 2. Simpulan:
Terapi lantunan asmaul husna dan teknik relaksasi menjadi pilihan yang tepat untuk menimbulkan
relaksasi sehingga dapat menurunkan tingkat cemas yang pada akhirnya dapat mengendalikan
kadar gula darah pasien.
Kata Kunci: kadar gula darah, asmaul husna, terapi relaksasi, pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2.
Objectives: This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of therapy by listening to chant of the Asma
ul Husna and relaxation techniques on blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
(DM). Methods: It was a quasi experiment with pretest-posttest approach without control group.
Samples were taken using non-probability sampling method through accidental sampling technique
numbering 25 DM patients who came to Free Health Services located at Ciputat, Tangerang. Data
were tested with univariate and bivariate analysis by using paired t test. Results: Blood glucose
level decreased, but statistically there was no correlation of therapy by listening to chant of Asma
ul Husna and relaxation techniques with blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 DM (p=0.27;
α=0.05). Discussion: Patients with type 2 DM needed to obtain a comprehensive nursing care,
including biopsychosocial, cultural and spiritual aspects in order to control their blood glucose levels.
Conclusion: Therapy by listening to chant of Asma ul Husna and relaxation techniques could be
the right choices to aid relaxation so as to reduce anxiety levels that could eventually control blood
glucose levels of the patients.
Keywords: blood glucose levels, Asma ul Husna, relaxation therapy, patients with type 2 diabetes
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Jurnal PPNI (P-ISSN: 2503-1376 ; E-ISSN: 2549-8576)