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Pengaruh Madu terhadap Frekuensi Batuk dan Napas Serta Ronkhi pada Balita Pneumonia

Diah Ayu Agustin, Nani Nurhaeni, Nur Agustini



Balita pneumonia mengalami batuk, napas cepat, dan ronkhi. Madu memiliki efek antimikroba dan antibodi yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan agen mikroba penyebab pneumonia. Tujuan penelitian: mengetahui pengaruh pemberian madu terhadap frekuensi batuk, frekuensi napas, dan ronkhi balita pneumonia. Metode: Desain penelitian quasi-experimental: pre-test-post-test, non-equivalent control group. Jumlah sampel 34 balita berdasarkan rumus besar sampel kategorik berpasangan. Kelompok intervensi sejumlah 17 orang, diberikan madu murni 2,5 cc 30 menit sebelum anak tidur malam (± pukul 18.00) selama 3 hari. Kelompok kontrol sejumlah 17 orang diberikan air putih 2,5 cc 30 menit sebelum anak tidur malam (± pukul 18.00) selama 3 hari. Pengukuran hasil penelitian dilakukan pada hari pertama sebelum perlakuan dan hari keempat setelah perlakuan. Instrumen yang digunakan ialah timer, stetoskop, lembar observasi, dan kuesioner. Analisis data bivariat berpasangan menggunakan marginal homogenity, pair t test, dan Mc Nemar. Analisis data bivariat tidak berpasangan menggunakan Kolmogorov Smirnov, Fisher exact, dan independent t test. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menemukan adanya pengaruh yang bermakna pada pemberian madu terhadap frekuensi batuk (p=0,001), frekuensi napas (p=0,0001), dan ronkhi (p=0,012) antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi. Kesimpulan: Rekomendasi penelitian ialah perlu menerapkan pemberian madu pada balita pneumonia untuk menurunkan batuk, frekuensi napas, dan ronkhi.

Kata Kunci: balita pneumonia, frekuensi batuk, frekuensi napas, madu, ronkhi.



Under-five children with pneumonia experience cough, rapid breathing, and rhonchi. Honey has antimicrobial and antibody effects which can inhibit the growth of pneumonia-causing microbial agents. Objective: To identify the effect of honey on frequency of cough, respiration, and rhonchi in under-five children with pneumonia. Methods: This study employed quasi- experimental research with pretest-posttest, non-equivalent control group. The number of samples of 34 under-five children based on the formula of categorical paired samples. The intervention group numbering 17 people was given 2.5 cc ofpure honey 30 minutes before the child slept at night (± 06:00pm) for 3 days. The control group numbering 17people was given 2.5 cc ofwater 30 minutes before the child slept at night (± 06:00pm) for 3 days. The study results were measured on the first day before treatment and the fourth day after treatment. The instruments used were timer, stethoscope, observation sheet, and questionnaire. Paired bivariate data were analyzed using marginal homogeneity, pair t test, and Mc Nemar. Unpaired bivariate data were analyzed of using Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Fisher’s exact, and independent t-test. Results: The study results found a significant effect of giving honey on frequency of cough (p=0.001), frequency of respiration (p=0.0001), and rhonchi (p=0.012) between the control group and the intervention group. Conclusion: This study recommends to give honey to under-five children with pneumonia to decrease cough, frequency of respiration, and rhonchi.

Keywords: under-five children with pneumonia, frequency of cough, frequency of respiration, honey, rhonchi.

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Jurnal PPNI (P-ISSN: 2503-1376 ; E-ISSN: 2549-8576)