Kezia Arihta Sembiring, Mustikasari Mustikasari



Ujian objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) merupakan ujian yang dapat menyebabkan kecemasan bagi mahasiswa kesehatan. Individu berupaya dalam menangani stressor dan salah satu bentuk maladaptifnya adalah perilaku self-harm yang merupakan upaya menyakiti diri sendiri. Penanganan stressor dapat adaptif bila menggunakan mekanisme koping yang cocok dengan individu. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kecemasan, perilaku self-harm, dan mekanisme koping mahasiswa yang menjalani objective structured clinical examinationMetode: Desain penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian 107 responden (52 responden angkatan 2019 dan 55 responden angkatan 2020), dengan teknik proportional sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan ialah Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, Self-Harm Inventory, dan Brief COPE Scale; analisis data dengan univariat. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kecemasan ringan (51%), perilaku self-harm rendah (79%), dan mekanisme koping sedang (67%) dengan jenis problem-focused paling banyak digunakan (72%). Diskusi: OSCE merupakan hal yang masih membuat mahasiswa merasa cemas, bahwa masih ditemukan self-harm tinggi yang ditandai dengan tindakan mencederai diri. Untuk itu, cara penyelesaian yang digunakan ialah mekanisme koping problem-focused. Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlunya promosi kesehatan dalam bentuk edukasi kesehatan dan konseling untuk mahasiswa mengenai tingkat kecemasan, perilaku self-harm, dan mekanisme koping.

Kata kunci: mahasiswa, mekanisme koping, objective structured clinical examinationself-harm, tingkat kecemasan


Anxiety Levels, Self-Harm Behavior, and Coping Mechanisms among Students Undergoing Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)



Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is an assessment that can induce anxiety among health science students. Individuals endeavor to manage stressors, and one maladaptive form is self-harm behavior, an attempt to harm oneself. Handling stressors can be adaptive when utilizing coping mechanisms suitable for the individual. Objective: This research aims to identify anxiety levels, self-harm behavior, and coping mechanisms among students undergoing Objective Structured Clinical Examination. Methods: This research employed a quantitative descriptive research design. Taken using a proportional sampling technique, the research sample comprised 107 respondents (52 from the 2019 batch and 55 from the 2020 batch). It used instruments consisting of the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, Self-Harm Inventory, and Brief COPE Scale, while data were analyzed through univariate analysis. Results: Findings revealed mild anxiety level (51%), low self-harm behavior (79%), and moderate coping mechanisms (67%), while problem-focused coping was the most frequently used method (72%). Discussion: OSCE remains a significant stressor for students, as evidenced by high levels of self-harm behavior indicated by self-injurious actions. Therefore, problem-focused coping mechanisms are predominantly employed for resolution. Conclusion: This research recommends the necessity of health promotion through health education and counseling for students regarding anxiety levels, self-harm behavior, and coping mechanisms.

Keywords: students, coping mechanisms, objective structured clinical examination, self-harm, anxiety level


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32419/jppni.v8i3.523

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