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Pendahuluan: Hypnobirthing merupakan salah satu teknik autohipnosis yang merupakan bagian
dari tindakan mandiri perawat untuk menyiapkan proses persalinan dalam mengurangi kecemasan
dan nyeri persalinan. Tujuan penelitian: untuk mengetahui perbedaan nyeri persalinan dan lama
persalinan kala I antara kelompok ibu hamil yang dilatih relaksasi hypnobirthing dengan yang tidak
dilatih. Metode: desain penelitian secara quasi eksperimen, sampel diambil secara consecutive
sejumlah 82 orang di 4 BPM Kabupaten Klaten. Data dianalisis dengan uji chi square dan regresi
logistik. Hasil penelitian didapatkan perbedaan persentase antara kelompok perlakuan dengan
kelompok kontrol, untuk rasa tidak nyeri perbedaan 23% dengan RR 2,94 (95% CI 1,17–7,41) p
= 0,013. Pada kala I tidak lama perbedaan 19% dengan RR 1,26 (95% CI 1,01–1,57) p = 0,035.
Hasil ini menunjukkan kemungkinan tidak nyeri hampir 3 kali dan kemungkinan kala I tidak lama
hampir 1,5 kali pada kelompok perlakuan. Analisis regresi logistik menunjukkan bahwa relaksasi
hypnobirthing dan multiparitas memberi efek yang signifi kan untuk mengurangi nyeri persalinan dan
mempersingkat lama kala I. Kesimpulan: Latihan relaksasi hypnobirthing memberi manfaat untuk
mengurangi nyeri persalinan dan memperpendek lama kala I pada proses persalinan normal. Saran:
Hypnobirthing perlu diberikan kepada ibu hamil sebagai bagian dari perawatan kehamilan
untuk menyiapkan psikologis ibu dalam menghadapi persalinan. Untuk pengembangan penelitian
selanjutnya, perlu ditambahkan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi nyeri persalinan.
Kata Kunci: hypnobirthing, persalinan, nyeri persalinan, persalinan kala I.
Introduction: Hypnobirthing is a technique of autohypnosis which is a part of self-nursing care to
prepare a more comfortable labor process. Objective: To identify difference in labor pain, duration
of the fi rst stage of labor between pregnant mothers trained with hypnobirthing and those who
were not trained. Methods: This study employed a quasi experimental design involving 4 private
midwives in Klaten Regency. Samples were 82 mothers taken consecutively. Data were statistically
analyzed using Chi square-test and logistic regression. Results: There were differences between
the treatment group and the control group. The difference in feeling no pain was 23% with RR of
2.94 (95% CI 1.17-7.41) p=0.013; the difference in the short duration of the fi rst stage of labor was
19% with RR of 1.26 (95% CI 1.01-1.57) p=0.035. The results indicated that the probability of feeling
no pain was almost three times and the probability of short duration of the fi rst stage of labor was
one and a half times in the treatment group. The logistic regression showed that hypnobirthing and
multiparity had a signifi cant effect on reducing pain during labor process and shorthening duration
of the fi rst stage of labor. Conclusion: Hypnobirthing exercise was bene fi cial in reducing pain and
shorthening duration of the fi rst stage of labor process. Suggestion: Hypnobirthing should be given
to pregnant women as part of prenatal care for psychological condition of mothers in facing the labor.
Further research needs to be include factors that affect pain labor.
Keywords: hypnobirthing, labor process, pain labor, fi rst stage of labor
Pendahuluan: Hypnobirthing merupakan salah satu teknik autohipnosis yang merupakan bagian
dari tindakan mandiri perawat untuk menyiapkan proses persalinan dalam mengurangi kecemasan
dan nyeri persalinan. Tujuan penelitian: untuk mengetahui perbedaan nyeri persalinan dan lama
persalinan kala I antara kelompok ibu hamil yang dilatih relaksasi hypnobirthing dengan yang tidak
dilatih. Metode: desain penelitian secara quasi eksperimen, sampel diambil secara consecutive
sejumlah 82 orang di 4 BPM Kabupaten Klaten. Data dianalisis dengan uji chi square dan regresi
logistik. Hasil penelitian didapatkan perbedaan persentase antara kelompok perlakuan dengan
kelompok kontrol, untuk rasa tidak nyeri perbedaan 23% dengan RR 2,94 (95% CI 1,17–7,41) p
= 0,013. Pada kala I tidak lama perbedaan 19% dengan RR 1,26 (95% CI 1,01–1,57) p = 0,035.
Hasil ini menunjukkan kemungkinan tidak nyeri hampir 3 kali dan kemungkinan kala I tidak lama
hampir 1,5 kali pada kelompok perlakuan. Analisis regresi logistik menunjukkan bahwa relaksasi
hypnobirthing dan multiparitas memberi efek yang signifi kan untuk mengurangi nyeri persalinan dan
mempersingkat lama kala I. Kesimpulan: Latihan relaksasi hypnobirthing memberi manfaat untuk
mengurangi nyeri persalinan dan memperpendek lama kala I pada proses persalinan normal. Saran:
Hypnobirthing perlu diberikan kepada ibu hamil sebagai bagian dari perawatan kehamilan
untuk menyiapkan psikologis ibu dalam menghadapi persalinan. Untuk pengembangan penelitian
selanjutnya, perlu ditambahkan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi nyeri persalinan.
Kata Kunci: hypnobirthing, persalinan, nyeri persalinan, persalinan kala I.
Introduction: Hypnobirthing is a technique of autohypnosis which is a part of self-nursing care to
prepare a more comfortable labor process. Objective: To identify difference in labor pain, duration
of the fi rst stage of labor between pregnant mothers trained with hypnobirthing and those who
were not trained. Methods: This study employed a quasi experimental design involving 4 private
midwives in Klaten Regency. Samples were 82 mothers taken consecutively. Data were statistically
analyzed using Chi square-test and logistic regression. Results: There were differences between
the treatment group and the control group. The difference in feeling no pain was 23% with RR of
2.94 (95% CI 1.17-7.41) p=0.013; the difference in the short duration of the fi rst stage of labor was
19% with RR of 1.26 (95% CI 1.01-1.57) p=0.035. The results indicated that the probability of feeling
no pain was almost three times and the probability of short duration of the fi rst stage of labor was
one and a half times in the treatment group. The logistic regression showed that hypnobirthing and
multiparity had a signifi cant effect on reducing pain during labor process and shorthening duration
of the fi rst stage of labor. Conclusion: Hypnobirthing exercise was bene fi cial in reducing pain and
shorthening duration of the fi rst stage of labor process. Suggestion: Hypnobirthing should be given
to pregnant women as part of prenatal care for psychological condition of mothers in facing the labor.
Further research needs to be include factors that affect pain labor.
Keywords: hypnobirthing, labor process, pain labor, fi rst stage of labor
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Jurnal PPNI (P-ISSN: 2503-1376 ; E-ISSN: 2549-8576)