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Gaviota Khalish, Happy Indah Kusumawati, Sri Setiyarini, Eri Yanuar Ahmad Budi Sunaryo



Intensive care unit (ICU) jantung merupakan unit dengan pasien yang rentan terhadap penularan infeksi. Pengunjung yang tidak menerapkan kebersihan tangan menunjukkan pertumbuhan bakteri penyebab Hospital associated Infections (HAIs). Kurangnya pengetahuan dan persepsi pengunjung tentang kebersihan tangan menyebabkan tingkat kepatuhan kebersihan tangan yang rendah. Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan dan persepsi kebersihan tangan pengunjung serta hubungannya dengan karakteristik responden di ICU jantung RSUP Dr. Sardjito. Metode: Menggunakan desain analitik observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 101 responden yang dikumpulkan dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Instrumen pada penelitian ini dibuat oleh peneliti berdasarkan panduan kebersihan tangan dari World Health Organization (WHO).  Instrumen yang digunakan telah valid dan reliable. Data dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi-square.  Hasil: Rata-rata skor pengetahuan kebersihan tangan 6,1 dan persepsi kebersihan tangan 31,07. Enam puluh enam responden memiliki pengetahuan yang baik dan lima puluh delapan dari seratus satu responden memiliki persepsi yang rendah. Ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dan pendidikan (p=0,0280), dan dengan riwayat penyakit (p=0,002). Ada hubungan antara persepsi dan usia (p=0,028), dan dengan riwayat berkunjung (p=0,023). Diskusi: Mayoritas pengetahuan kebersihan tangan pengunjung yang tinggi sedangkan persepsi rendah dipengaruhi oleh efektivitas pemberian informasi dan peran petugas kesehatan untuk terus mengingatkan pengunjung terkait kebersihan tangan. Kesimpulan: Perawat atau peneliti selanjutnya perlu mengembangkan strategi yang efektif guna memberikan informasi terkait kebersihan tangan kepada pengunjung.

Kata Kunci: intensive care units, kebersihan tangan, pengetahuan, pengunjung pasien, persepsi


Knowledge and Perceptions of Hand Hygiene in Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Visitors



The cardiac intensive care unit (ICU) is a unit in which patients who are susceptible to infection transmission. Visitors who do not apply hand hygiene show the growth of bacteria that causes Hospital associated Infections (HAIs). Inadequate knowledge and perceptions of visitors about hand hygiene causes a low level of hand hygiene compliance. Objective: To obtain an overview of knowledge and perceptions of visitor hand hygiene and their correlation with the characteristics of respondents at the Cardiac ICU of Dr. Sardjito Hospital. Methods: This research employed an observational analytic design with a cross sectional design. The sample size was 101 respondents taken using consecutive sampling technique. The instrument in this research was made by the researchers based on hand hygiene guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO). The instrument used was valid and reliable. Data were analyzed by using univariate and bivariate with the chi-square test. Results: The average score of hand hygiene knowledge was 6.1 and that of perception of hand hygiene was 31.07. Sixty-six respondents had good knowledge and fifty-eight out of one hundred and one respondents had low perceptions. There was a correlation between knowledge and education (p=0.0280), and with a history of disease (p=0.002). There was a correlation between perception and age (p=0.028), and with a history of visiting (p=0.023). Discussion: The majority of visitors' high knowledge of hand hygiene and low perception was affected by the effectiveness of providing information and the role of health workers to keep reminding visitors about hand hygiene. Conclusion: Nurses or future researchers need to develop effective strategies to provide information about hand hygiene to visitors.

Keywords: intensive care units, hand hygiene, knowledge, patient visitors, perception


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