Ati Surya Mediawati, Elly Nurachmah, Muchtaruddin Mansyur, Tries Eryando


Ketika melakukan asuhan keperawatan, perawat perlu berinteraksi dengan klien. Interaksi dapat
dilaksanakan dengan baik apabila perawatannya mampu beradaptasi dengan beban kerja mental
yang dimanifestasikan ke dalam gejala fi sik, psikologis, dan perilaku yang ditampilkan. Tujuan
penelitian: mengembangkan alat ukur beban kerja mental saat berinteraksi dengan klien dalam
pemberian asuhan keperawatan. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis. Alat
ukur dikembangkan dengan menggunakan pendekatan interpretasi terhadap skala interval dan
skala ordinal yang diisi oleh 596 partisipan yang diproses melalui sebelas case processing data.
Penelitian dilaksanakan di provinsi Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Sumatra Barat, dan Sulawesi Selatan.
Validitas dan reliabilitas variabel persepsi Teruji (p=0,996 sebelum interaksi dan p=0,993 setelah
interaksi), observasi (p=0,844 sebelum interaksi, p=0,711) orientasi (p=0,711), identifi kasi (p=0,769),
eksplorasi (p=0,773), resolusi (p=0,820), setelah interaksi (p=0,772), angket klien (p=0,64). Hasil:
Hasil pengujian model Con fi rmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) melalui program Lisrel menghasilkan
p-value=0,150 (p>0,05) dan RMSEA=0,075 (RMSEA<0,1). Diskusi: Diperlukan dukungan regulasi
sebagai implikasi dalam penggunaan alat ukur. Simpulan: alat ukur ini vaild dan reliabel sebagai
informasi diagnostik pengukuran beban kerja mental.
Kata Kunci: alat ukur, beban kerja mental, interaksi.
Nurses in providing nursing care need to interact with clients. Such interaction can be successfully
performed if the treatment can adapt to mental workload which is manifested into physical,
psychological and behavioral symptoms. Objectives: developing a mental workload instrument
when interacting with clients in providing nursing care. Methods: It employed a descriptive analytic
method. The instrument was developed by employing the approach to the interpretation of scale
interval and ordinal scale which were fi lled by 596 participants and processed through 11 case
processing data. The research was conducted in the provinces of West Java, Central Java, West
Sumatra and South Sulawesi. Validity and reliability of the perception variables were tested (p=0.996
before the interaction and p=0.993 after the interaction), observation (p=0.844 before the interaction,
p=0.711), orientation (p=0.711), identifi cation (p=0.769), exploration (p=0.773), resolution (p=0.820),
after the interaction (p=0.772), client questionnaire (p=0.64). Results: The results of Con fi rmatory
Factor Analysis (CFA) usingLisrel software indicated p-value=0.150 (p>0.05) and RMSEA=0.075
(RMSEA <0.1). Discussion: Regulatory support is needed as an implication for the use of the
instrument. Conclusion: This instrument is valid and reliable to measure mental workload for
diagnostic information.
Keywords: instrument, mental workload, interaction.

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Jurnal PPNI (P-ISSN: 2503-1376 ; E-ISSN: 2549-8576)